About Me

We Love Soul is a network and community of music lovers who love and support soul music and its many offshoots and genres; NuSoul, Classic Soul and R&B, Hip Hop, House, Disco, Afrobeat, NuJazz, Latin flavors, Funk and more. Our goal is to expose soulful music to audiences who desire to be entertained as well as educated. Our mission is to progressively and positively influence soul music communities and cultures around the world one beat at a time by providing soul music lovers audio and visual access to cutting edge soul music and artists. We Love Soul and so should You...

Sat Feb 17th: House & Soul Day Party

Click Here for More Info & Tickets 

Saturday February 17th 2pm-8pm join We Love Soul and the Queen of Chicago House Music events Ronda Flowers for the House & Soul Day Party featuring DJs Duane PowellTorin EdmondSean Alvarez, and our very special guest; the legendary DJ Kemit (House In The Park Atlanta, www.DjKemit.com).

Ronda's Ridiculous Chicken & Waffles will be on deck so arrive early for the Saturday Brunch vibes during the first hour or so. 
If you love House and Soul music the way we do, you definitely want to experience this event! 
We look forward to seeing you!